Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Starting out with cloth diapers...

When I thought of cloth diapers, I thought of what our parents or grandparents wore. It wasn't until I started seeing other moms on Facebook with cloth that I realized how modern it can be now!


I first started wondering about cloth diapers because our middle daughter had severe eczema, but only around her diaper, mainly the tush. No creams helped for months until I begged her doctor for a prescription that can only be used for two weeks at a time. It helped until I had to stop using it, then we were back to where we started. She would take of her disposable diaper and dig at her eczema until she bled and I KNEW something, ANYTHING had to change, so I started my journey of researching different companies and asking other moms who they liked best. I started talking to someone more and more about it and she introduced me to blog giveaways.


My husband didn't like the idea of cloth diapers and he thought I would want to give up because of the poo, so I started entering diaper giveaways like crazy hoping to win so I could show him how serious I was. Having two children in disposable diapers and spending $60 a month just wasn't doing it for me anymore!


I started entering giveaways in December 2010 and shortly after I entered some, I won! I was shocked but so excited to finally hold a cloth diaper in my hands to see what they were all about. I was impressed and it instantly made me on the hunt for more! After a couple months I had won EIGHT DIAPERS, A WET BAG, 45 CLOTH WIPES AND 45/90 BAG OF ROCKIN' GREEN! One of those diapers was indeed a Smarti Pants! I was thrilled because it gave me a starting point to test everything before we actually bought any products.


When I first brought up cloth diapers we had two needing them full time. Our oldest started potty training in January 2011 so that left us with our second daughter. She woke up the morning of March 22, 2011, I put a newly washed diaper on her and away we went! I'll admit, I had no idea what I was doing and with one person as my only real support system (no one I know uses cloth) I just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. We had multiple leaks our first day because I never realized how much she drinks! After many failed attempts and figuring out which snaps work best for her, we finally started to get the hang of it and guess what... within DAYS her eczema was gone and has never came back!


Fast forward just shy of one year later and we have a one month old baby girl that soon will be able to fit in cloth diapers and I'm so excited! Our middle daughter was almost two when we discovered cloth and she is now trying to potty train so I'm anxious and curious what it will be like to cloth diaper from a baby from such a young age. We also are going to save so much money which makes me extra excited! I just wish I knew about cloth diapers while I was pregnant with our first daughter. She's now 4 and to think about all the money that we wasted on disposable diapers makes me sad. Cloth is so beneficial and I never would've figured I'd find something so amazing after talking to other parents via social media sites!


I know that switching to cloth diapers was the best decision for our family, not only to save money, but for the best health of my child and I'm happy to tell other's about it every chance I get because society thinks of cloth as a certain way when in fact it's amazing!


Contributed by : Michelle


Michelle is in her mid twenties. She has been with her husband for a total of eight years. They have three little girls and started cloth diapering in 2011 and she loves every minute of it!

1 comment:

  1. yay!! its so nice to see my post on here! Thank you Smartipants.
