Actually, our cloth diapers stash is ever changing. I am constantly finding new favorites - finding diapers that worked well during crawling stages, but for an older toddler just don't cut it. I get lazy and only want to use AIO's so I don't have to stuff, then my daughter will start needing more absorbency so I adjust my stash to more Pockets. It's a crazy cycle keeping up a cloth diapers stash but it sure is fun!

After lots of experience with using cloth diapers, I've found that these are the diapers that I absolutely prefer. Since my stash changes so often too, it's quite telling when a diaper sticks around for a long time. There is one diaper, that has been in my stash the longest, and you shouldn't be surprised that it's that Fire Engine Red Smarti Pants Cloth Diaper!

I don't save many cloth diapers – if they're not in the current rotation, I usually sell them to get something that works better. But my Smarti Pants went through both girls and I am ecstatic to finally have been adding more Smarti Pants to our Perfect Stash!
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