Hey everyone. A little birdie told me that there are some people that may be on the fence about cloth diapering so I
am here riding in on my cloth diaper horse to save the day! haha.
Anyways, down to business. Here are a few things that might help you get off the fence!
Try to find a place to actually see, touch and feel MODERN cloth diapers. When everyone hears about cloth diapers, they think big pieces
of fabric that you have to fold and manipulate on a crying moving
baby that doesn't want to sit still and then on top of that you have to
pin the fabric on the baby some how so that it stays on the baby
without poking your baby to all heck and back with the darn pin. Well,
let me tell ya, cloth diapers are NOTHING like that anymore. Call a
local cloth diaper store (even if they are only online) and see if you
can make an appointment to actually see the diapers. A lot of cloth diapering stores will let you do that even if they are just online. If
you do not have a store in your area, check to see if you can find a
cloth diaper user in the area that would be willing to let you see some
of her stash. I'll tell you, this is one thing I wish I had an
opportunity to do. Thank goodness I had a friend that was looking into
all the cloth diapers for her one on the way and was
pretty knowledgeable as to where I should go and what I should get to
best fit my needs. Thank you
again Charity!
Research, but don't over do it! If you over do your research, you will
get overwhelmed. Pick one site, read everything on that site. If you
have questions, email the writer of that site. If you ask advice from
everyone, you will get 50 different answers to something that was
probably simple, but just became horribly confusing.
3.) Read on the RDA about cloth verses disposable diapers. http://www.realdiaperassociation.org/diaperfacts.php
this page of the Real Diaper Association there are some GREAT facts
about disposable diapers and why they are not such a great choice for
your baby, your pocket book, and the environment. Just one of the
details that really helped us (besides the fact that my son was allergic
to disposable diapers) is the amount of money saved per child! If
you disposable diaper your child, you will spend about $1,600 diapering
your child. I spent $300 to cloth diaper both my children....just
Just try it! A lot of stores have a return policy or a trial period.
Get a package that includes that and just try the cloth diapers. More
than likely you will love it once you get a cloth diaper on your child.
It is not that big of a leap to just buy one or two to see what they
are like. And, like I stated already, if you are on the fence, more
than likely you will love them when they get there.
Contributed by: Nicole
Hi, my name is Nicole. I am the mother of two wonderful boys who
are 3 and 10 months. I started cloth diapering when my oldest was 8
months old due to an allergy to disposable diapers. I know host cloth
diapering classes, run a blog (http://clothreviews.blogspot.com ) and have a shop
(www.etsy.com/shop/crazyleggies ). I am a pretty busy mama and have little to no free time, but I wouldn't change it for the world!
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