Thursday, December 15, 2016

Angelina's Stash: Show and Tell

Even before getting pregnant with my first child I knew I wanted to cloth diaper. My best friend was an avid cloth diaperer and I fell in love with the cuteness, savings, and environmental factor. 

 The moment I found out I was pregnant, I started asking her questions about cloth diapers. She was so helpful and invited me over to go through all her diapers and explain the differences to me. She was done with cloth and gave me a bag full! I bought diapers here and there from friends and companies which slowly built my stash during my pregnancy. 

Now that my son turns 2 this month I have gained quite a few cloth diapers. I've learned my likes and dislikes with them. I'm more of a solid gal. I have some cute prints but I never got into the crazy print haze. Snaps are my go to! I think they're more durable and long lasting. Also my son learned very quickly how easy it was to undo velco diapers! Yikes!

Some brands fit my son better than others. He's always had chunky thighs and is a heavy wetter. Smarti pants has been my favorite brand! I have the most diapers in this brand. They hug my baby's thighs just right, the liners are the perfect absorbance when doubled up at night, and I also love the that there isn't too many snaps to confuse grandma when she baby sits lol. 

I have some used diapers that have blown out elastic from repeated use, or others that just leak and can't do their job, so I'm thrilled that I can build up a stash for baby #2 due in February with my favorite brands I know will do the job right! 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

How many Diapers per Child?

When people get in to cloth diapering, the most asked question seems to be "how many diapers do I need to cloth diaper full time?" Smarti Pants and most people recommend having 24 diaper on hand per child to last them from birth to potty training. While at first you'll be washing frequently due to a newborn's routine, toddlers can go longer and there's more space in-between changes. 

When I was researching cloth diapering information online, I found this chart and thought it was pretty realistic. Since newborns each on average every 2-3 hour, that also means a diaper change or two every 2-3 hours. You of course want some diapers on hand while all the soiled ones are in the wash, so this is where 24 diapers in total would be an accurate number in my opinion. 

I personally don't go more then three days in-between washes due to smell and other factors, but if you're cloth diapering your first child and hope to have more in the future, building up a big stash now while rotating them equally would be a great option. 

Because I'm expecting our second child in February, I am slowly adding in some new diapers with my favorite brand, Smarti Pants, and taking out the not so great used diapers I've gathered from friends. While our son is part time potty trained, I would like to get to around 40 diapers which could put me still washing every 1-2 days but yet having good quality diapers to prevent messes along the way being the key to success for cloth diapering two! 

Angelina, mom of two boys, 2 and due in February.