Monday, February 24, 2014

Miranda's Love for Cloth!


There are so many reasons and things to love about cloth. they are eco friendly. they are cute. they work so much better than sposies. they keep yucky chemicals off my baby's bum. my all time favorite thing about cloth? their reusable nature! when i started cloth diapering toddler2.0 it was not one of my top reasons, or even one of my reasons at all. the thought of being able to use them for another child hadnt entered my mind. after all i had just had a baby, i wasnt planning on a third quite yet!
as soon as we found out we were expecting belly3.0, the hand me down ability of cloth diapers became one of my favorite things about my massive stash. while calming babe down from his utter panic over the cost of another baby and being outnumbered before we had originally planned, i pointed out we wouldnt need diapers at least! all those cute fluffy diapers we had been using with toddler2.0 were perfectly fine, and would also be able to be used on the newest member of the family. of course i didnt get into the minor detail of being able to use them once the baby was 10 pounds, but i handled the newborn stash later.
because we cloth diaper, preparing for baby has been so much easier than i see other friends who dont cloth diaper. while some would lament how we would just be getting one out of diapers (haha no end in sight, hes only 21 months now) and be starting with another one, i think of it as a great investment. no slowing stocking up on diapers before baby gets here to be prepared since we have them. no need for a "sprinkle" or diaper party... we have them! after belly3.0 arrives and is eventually finished using his/her hand me down diapers, they will still have their resale value and continue to be cost effective!

Contributed by: Miranda

Monday, February 10, 2014

One (or more) Things I Love About Cloth Diapers

February is the month of Love. Why not share some of my favorite things I love about using cloth diapers.

• Cloth Diapers save you money – the average baby can use up to $2000 worth of disposable diapers before they are potty trained. Cloth Diapers can cut your cost significantly. Plus you don’t have to make any midnight runs to the store!

• Cloth Diapers are eco-friendly – disposable diapers will sit in landfills for many years before they break down where as cloth diapers can be reused for many years to come.

• Cloth Diapers are super cute – with the modern cloth diaper comes many styles, colors, prints, closures, and even ruffles!

• Cloth Diapers help to prevent leaks and blowouts – I have found that cloth diapers, when used properly will hold in leaks and blowouts better than disposables.

• Cloth Diapers have no chemicals – cloth diapers do not contain chemicals that will be in contact with your baby’s skin for hours at a time. They are all natural. 

• Cloth Diapers can be used on multiple children – this can make the cost savings skyrocket when you use your cloth diapers on multiple babies. Be sure to keep your diapers clean and store them properly when not in use. 

• Cloth Diapers can be sold after use providing additional cost savings – if you are done with your cloth diapers, you can sell them back for up to 90% of your cost depending on the wear and use. Not bad!

What do you love about using cloth diapers??

Contributed by: Julie

Monday, February 3, 2014

Oh, Cloth Diapers, Why Do I Love Thee?

Challenging a SmartiPants Cloth Diapers Blogger to share the ONE reason they love cloth diapers, well, that's like asking why you love your children, isn't it!? I might be stretching it a bit with that comparison, but there are so many reasons why I love using cloth diapers!

  Love Cloth DiapersSome super popular answers to this question include:
  • Cloth is way cuter than any paper diaper you can find.
  • They're better for your baby - cloth has no chemicals and causes far fewer diaper rashes for most babies.
  • Cloth diapers are one million times better for the Environment. By choosing cloth, my bathroom trash can gets emptied every month or 2 instead of daily.
  • Cloth can be used for more than 1 child. Forget buying disposable diapers every month for every kid you have - cloth diapers have a lifespan that can easily make them last through 2, 3, maybe even 4 children!
  • Cloth diapers have been shown to help children potty train faster! Even though we all love using cloth diapers, it sure is nice when anything makes potty training easier and faster!
  • And probably most people's first response, and definitely the number 1 reason I love cloth diapers...
reason I choose cloth
I love making healthier choices for my children, I love the cuteness of cloth, I love contributing less to the landfills, but... Money Talks. Can you imagine that $2,500 cost savings!? You could put that back in a Savings Account and start a great fund for your child for college just by not buying them diapers for 3 years! Just by choosing cloth, you can make a tremendous impact on the earth, your child's health, and your family's budget! That's the number 1 reason why I love cloth... with the cuteness factor at a super close 2nd!

  mo smartipants Lindsey is the author behind the So Easy Being Green blog. Once she decided to use cloth diapers on her children, she started making green-er choices in all areas of her life. SEBG is a resource for parents who want to make small changes that will make a big impact on their path to a green-er life.