Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cloth Diapering Throughout the Seasons

In the summer months, cloth diapering is especially fun isn't it? No need for pants on those hot days, just throw on a little tee to match your little one's diaper and you're done! But summer is quickly ending which means cooler weather will soon arrive. It's time to cover those legs...and the bums! Unfortunately, some find that cloth diapering in cool weather can be a bit more difficult. Pants just don't fit as they should with those fluffy bottoms, which can lead to compression leaks and frustration. What's the cloth diapering mama to do? Here are a few tips to surviving cloth when the weather turns...

  • Leg Warmers. It may be getting cooler, but there is still plenty of time for leg warmers! Until the frigid cold hits, they provide just the right amount of warmth (depending on your area of course!). Coordinate them with a cute top and let those diapers show for a few months longer!!
  • Dresses for the Girls. I love putting my daughter in dresses all year long. First of all, they're ridiculously cute, but when cloth diapering, they're much easier as far as sizing goes! Leg warmers, tights or leggings add some extra warmth underneath, or on warmer fall days a longer dress should be just fine!
  • Ditch the Jeans. For many babies, my daughter included. Jeans just will not work out. Between her chunky thighs and her fluffy's a losing battle. And one we decided just wasn't worth it. Even if we could get them on, the tight fit could lead to compression fun for anyone! Instead, we opt to go for stretchier options. Stretch cotton leggings look adorable and leave more room for diapers!
  • Made for Cloth Jeans. For us, ditching the jeans was not a big deal...but if you still prefer them, they DO make jeans specifically for the cloth diapered baby! Companies like Project Pomona offer a variety of jeans that leave more room for any type of diaper while giving that jean style that moms love!
  • Size Up. Perhaps the easiest way to deal with fall baby fashion is to buy a size larger than you normally would. If baby is typically in 12 months but they don't fit well over the diaper (or you finding yourself dealing with leaks when using microfiber), try 18 months. That little extra bit of room can make all the difference!! If length should be an issue, just roll the hems...or hem them yourself if you're crafty!!

Cloth diapering in cooler weather may require a bit more planning, but that doesn't mean it you should give it up! Follow these easy suggestions and you'll be cloth diapering with ease all through the year!

What tips do YOU have for keeping baby in cloth during the cooler months?

Contributed by: Randi

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


You’ve breezed through the newborn diapering phase with daily loads of laundry, many sleepless nights, and have mastered the perfect cloth diaper fit on your little one…and then s/he a.) becomes mobile, b.) starts eating solids, c.) becomes a heavy wetter, or d.) all of the above.  Never fear, help is here! 
Your baby’s milestones often tamper with your fine-tuned cloth diapering regimen, but with a few tweaks, you can cloth diaper with confidence again!

At some point, your little one will likely need more absorption in his/her diaper, whether nighttime, naptime, or throughout the day.  While many cloth diapering families are able to adjust their diaper absorbency by adding additional inserts, adding some natural fibers to your cloth diaper routine may give you the additional absorbency you need, keeping your little one dry and comfortable.  Smarti Pants Smart Sleeves inserts can help give an additional absorbency boost to your cloth diapers.

Heavy wetting often leads to accidents while out and about.  Don’t forget to pack an additional wet bag, along with a spare change of clothing, so that you’re prepared for the inevitable accident while out.  I can’t count the number of times I had to get creative because I wasn’t prepared for a diaper accident while out with my son.  Stock up on extra Smarti Pants Smart Tote wet bags (you can thank me later).

The introduction of solid foods into your little one’s diet is a cloth diapering game changer.  Once your little one begins eating solid foods, your days of simply throwing soiled diapers into the diaper pail, without rinsing or removing solids, are over.  A cloth diaper sprayer, or diaper liners, are a great help in tackling soiled cloth diapers at this point in the game.

When my son became mobile, I had to change our entire cloth diapering process, as prefolds and snappis were becoming a challenge on the changing table.  Smartipants one-size cloth diapers allow you to easily change the fit and absorbency as your baby grows and becomes more mobile.

How has your cloth diapering regimen changed as your baby has grown older?

Contributed by: Lauren!