DIY Cloth Wipes
Making your own cloth wipes simply couldn't be easier. There are a variety of materials that you can use - cotton, flannel, terrycloth, even bamboo velour. The first wipes I ever made were small squares of cut up old t-shirts and old hand towels. I sewed the squares together so I would have one side for scrubbing after messier diapers and one side that was soft. You can even go as simple as cutting up old receiving blankets that you don't need and baby washcloths make perfect cloth wipes too!
Storing Cloth Wipes

Cloth Wipe Solutions
There are just as many option for cloth wipe solutions as there are for cloth wipe materials! Plain water is an option, but if you're looking for a little more {or simply want those cloth wipes to smell good}, you can add in essential oils or even a drop or two of Baby Soap. There are also companies that sell Cloth Wipe Solutions that come in forms of liquid and soap bits. No matter how you decide to store your cloth wipes, what solution and materials you choose - I think you'll find that using cloth wipes goes hand in hand with the cloth diapering process and is quite an easy transition!Lindsey is the author behind the So Easy Being Green blog. Once she decided to use cloth diapers on her children, she started making green-er choices in all areas of her life. SEBG is a resource for parents who want to make small changes that will make a big impact on their path to a green-er life.
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