Friday, February 4, 2011

Diaper a Day Giveaway Day 13!

Congratulatiosns to Rebecca Morgan our Day 12 winner!

Day 13 Giveaway Question:
Do you stuff your Smartipants with the smart sleeve insert? another brand of insert? or a combination of inserts?


  1. With the smartipants inserts or gDiaper inserts.

  2. Only the smartsleeve!

  3. smarti pants inserts or pre-folds that I had used previously.

  4. With the smartsleeve and doubled with a thirsties hemp insert for overnight (two smartsleeves is enough for long trips during the day but wasn't always enough for nighttime).

  5. Never had to use anything but the smart sleeve (ps - love the green stitching, makes them so easy to find in the laundry basket!)

  6. I stuff mine with three different inserts. I use the smart sleeve inserts, Eli Monster gDiaper bamboo inserts, and the one Thirsties size 1 Duo Hemp prefold that I have. All three work great.

  7. I'd stuff them with the Smartsleeve insert or a natural fiber insert.

  8. Only the smartipants insert. Double stuffed at night. :)

  9. I use only the smartsleeve during the day, but add a hemp insert for nights.

  10. I use an infant Indian organic cotton prefold.

  11. I am not picky on inserts, and I have a diverse stash. I use the smartipants inserts, happy heinys, kawaii inserts or whatever else I grab!

  12. Smartsleeve insert, although I would love to try something with hemp for overnight.

  13. I will start with just the smart sleeve insert and see how that goes.

  14. I love the smart sleeve insert for day time use. The green stitching is awesome because it makes matching insert to diaper easy! Our go to night time solution is the smart sleeve insert and a hemp insert. 12 hours on my heavy wetter. I would LOVE it if smarti pants made hemp inserts (hint, hint).

  15. I have used the Smartipants inserts and g-diapers together for overnight. I worked out and he had no leaks. I love the Smartipants inserts since they are green and easy to find. They seem to be more absorbent than other inserts I have used in the past.

  16. don't know any smarti pants yet.. can't wait to try them out though and see what kind of inserts we will require :)

  17. Just the insert for the day, plus a hemp insert overnight.

  18. I use the smart sleeve - we only use smartipants during the day, but we have never needed a doubler.

  19. I use the smart sleeve inserts during the day. I'm still experimenting at night. A smart sleeve insert with a hemp doubler, a hemp prefold...I haven't found my bulletproof solution yet (but I just started looking!).

  20. Smart sleeve only :) Double stuffed at night!

  21. Two of the smartipants inserts. One was enough up until about 8-10 months, then we started needing two. That will normally get us throught he night too, but my daughter doesn't sleep as long as many other toddlers.

  22. I try to use the Smarti Pants insert, but luckily other inserts will fit when I can't find it. :) We like how it's edged in green so we can spot it quickly.

  23. Just the smarti pants insert, doubled at night!

  24. Just the smartipants insert!

  25. Single smarti pants insert during the day and doubled up at night.

  26. We typically use the smartipants inserts. We use one during day time and two at night. Which work perfect for our heavy sleeper/heavy wetter! On wash day when inserts are running low we use prefolds to stuff them.

  27. The smart sleeve inserts or sometimes prefolds.

  28. Smartipants inserts, but would love some "smartihemp" inserts!

  29. Just the smartipants insert - love the green stitching even my hubby helps with laundry & can match them to the diapers with no problem! :)

  30. I use the Smartipants inserts (two at night). We used to wrap a prefold around an insert for overnight, but find two Smartipants inserts more effective.

  31. one Smarti insert during the day and 2 hemp inserts at boy would leak though anything else at night, and even this is not fool proof

  32. I just use the inserts that came with the Smartipants. I've thought of making a microfiber/hemp combo insert for them so they'd hold more though. I love the Smartsleeve so I can stuff quickly and easily. Actually, my husband likes stuffing the Smartipants because it's easier than stuffing our perfect size diapers for his larger hands.

  33. I use the Smartipants inserts. I have a specific way of stuffing them too :) I always make sure that the insert is tag down towards the back.

  34. I "half way double stuff" for my son (5 yr old). I fold one Smartipants insert in half and stuff it in the "mid-front of the smartipant. Voila! Enough protection for overnight potty accidents minus all the bulk. For my daughter (18months) I use a Smartipants insert with a preemie prefold on top. Just enough to catch the extra morning pre-change potty.

  35. Smarti Pants Inserts.

  36. Only the smarti-sleeve... but I was looking at my super soft organic prefolds from Gerber and thinking those might be good for a newborn (I'm not pregnant with my second yet, but can't help but wonder ;)

  37. I just stuff with the smartipants inserts, I have to have everything matching So I just use the inserts that are made for that particular nappy :) and the smartipants are just fabulous no leaks what so ever xxx

  38. Just the Smartipants insert! (Sometimes 2.)

  39. I just use the smart sleeve insert. Works just fine on my 4 month old :) I also love the green stitching - easy to find!

  40. No smartipants to stuff :(

  41. I try to keep my inserts straight but by the time I have stuffed a dozen diapers I am just putting whatever comes to hand in there!

  42. The Smarti insert goes in our Smartis. Since we potty training, we are down to night time usage. So a Smarti insert + a hemp, or two microfiber inserts go in for night time use.

  43. Only Smartipants insert!

  44. I don't own any SmartiPants yet but would try your inserts first!

  45. we don't have any SmartiPants yet either...but would definitely stuff them with the smart sleeve insert! :)

  46. We have only ever used our SmartiPants smart sleeve has always done the job perfectly!

  47. No Smartipants yet. Can't wait to try them.

  48. meant own not know lol oops

  49. smart sleeve insert & 2 for nighttime!

  50. just one smarti insert

  51. we use the smart sleeve insert
