Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Diaper a Day Giveaway Day 10!

Congratulations to Pamela Reddy our day 9 giveaway winner! Pamela loved this photo which had more than one vote as favorite photo!

Day 10 Question:
Share a frugal mommy tip! In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by______________.


  1. making my own cloth wipes.

  2. I save money by making my own baby food, shopping at discount stores and walking whenever possible to save not only on gas but the environment too!!

  3. I save money by breastfeeding, making my own baby food and buying used baby items off of craigslist. I've quite a bit of money doing these things in addition to cloth diapering. :)

  4. Share a frugal mommy tip! In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by having a meal plan and a shopping list.

  5. In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by clipping coupons and buying only items on sale! Most items on sale can be matched with a coupon for an even cheaper price!

  6. Using coupons and shopping clearance!! I rarely buy something unless it's on sale or I have a coupon. And I LOVE finding a good deal and getting great things on clearance.

  7. I save money by using E-Mealz. I used to walk around the grocery store picking out food items and then come home and plan my meals based on that. I ended up having tons of items that I never used. E-Mealz plans each meal for me and shows me how much everything is going to cost. This has saved my husband and I both time and money (about $30/month!). I also save money by stocking up on multiple sized clothes from consignment sales, so that I don't have to buy many at full price.

  8. I save money by watching sales and stocking up of food, and prepping and freezing fresh foods so I can buy at the lowest prices.

  9. Besides cloth diapering, I save money, like others, by breastfeeding, making my own baby food, shopping consignment stores, and accepting and offering as many hand me downs as possible.

  10. In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by breastfeeding. I also never pass up a good deal, always saving DH money! :)

  11. ...by watching for deals on different internet websites. Over half my fluff was bought at 50% off, and it was all do to different deals posted on various websites. I've also purchased various baby and preschool supplies off of said websites.

  12. Making my own laundry detergent :)

  13. In addition to using cloth diapers, I swap babysitting with friends. I NEVER pay for a babysitter!

  14. In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by using cloth wipes, breastfeeding, not using paper towels, using the diva cup and cloth pads, not buying bottled water, and using reusable containers rather then baggies.

  15. I save money by buying in bulk on black Friday, using coupons, cooking at home, and looking for sales!

  16. Breastfeeding, using almost exclusively family for our daughter's care, consignment and sale shopping, and washing/reusing baggies when we don't use reusable containers.

  17. I save money by using coupons and stocking up on good deals

  18. I save money by breastfeeding, making my ownbaby food, coupon clipping, making lists, and watching sales. Oh and menu planning too! If I don't have my menu planned I won't go to the store...otherwise we end up spending money we didn't need to spend!

  19. I save money my clipping coupons, using clothe diapers, using cloth wipes, and having lot pajama day with my 4 kidos!!!

  20. I have not yet started cloth diapering but hope to in the next month or so...for now I save money buy always shopping clearance racks and Mom 2 mom sales in our area!

  21. I save money by making my own baby food in a big batch & freezing it, i also try and do my washing at night to save electricity as its cheaper at night times, i make sure lights are turned off when not really needed and we only use low energy light bulbs. We hardly ever use out tumble dryer instead we either hang our clothes on the drier rack or i have made my own mini washing lines in our boiler cupboard and if im needing just a little bit of water boiled water i heat it up using a pan on the stove much cheaper then boiling the kettle :D

  22. I save money by using coupons and shopping sales, I got a shirt for 60cents the other day!

  23. I save money by shopping clearance racks to find cheap new clothes for the kids for next year. I also buy at a great local used kid's clothing store. I hardly ever buy any big without first searching online for the best deal. I also also search for a coupon code for a discount or free shipping when I order online - most of the time I can find one!

  24. I breastfeed, make our own laundry detergent, and use coupons.

  25. In addition to cloth diapers, I use cloth wipes and breastfeed. I always try to shop sales and clearance or buy used if possible. Always use reusable containers and non-paper paper towels. I also just started making our own laundry and dish detergent, body wash and hand soaps.

  26. Cloth diapers are my favorite way to save money, but I also save $ by making my own cleaning supplies, cutting my kiddo's hair, bargain shopping, and cutting back on energy usage.

  27. In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by breastfeeding, planning on making my own baby food, shopping with coupons, buying from thrift stores and garage sales. There are so many great items in great condition at thrift stores!

  28. buying items when they go on sale and using COUPONS... gotta love coupons

  29. I save money and the environment by using cloth rather than paper, doing only full loads of laundry and hanging dry when I can, having the lights on only in the room that we are in and using candlelight (so romantic) Just a few of my money and environment saving tips :)

  30. I save money by breastfeeding, going to consignment sales, and my husband stays at home with the kids during the day to watch them so we don't have to pay for a sitter and works in th evenings. He is a great husband and daddy!

  31. In addition to using cloth diapers, I save money by using cloth wipes, breastfeeding, not buying paper towels or paper napkins (we just use wash cloths or cloth napkins instead), and trying to always shop with a grocery list and menu for the week.

  32. We save money by breastfeeding, using coupons, buying items off Craigslist, and we never say no to hand-me-downs!

  33. Buying used or making things myself whenever possible.

  34. In addition to using cloth diapers I use coupons and look for deals. We also shop at gently used clothes stores and use hand me down items.

  35. I save money by meal planning according to the sale flyers. Food is so pricey but good homemade stuff doesn't have to be.

  36. In addition to using cloth, I save money by breastfeeding, making my own babyfood, and making a menu before going to the store. When I make my menu for the month, it's much easier to buy in bulk at the big box store. I try to set a day for cooking and freeze meals to avoid those last minute panicky "We don't have anything for dinner, so we have to go out" moments.

  37. I save money by clipping coupons and cleaning with vinegar and baking soda instead of expensive cleaning stuff (full of nasty chemicals)


  38. breastfeeding, buying baby clothes used, making my own baby food.

  39. We save money by cleaning with a vinegar and water solution. That and using cloth diapers are just two of the easy things we do to help the Earth and our budget! :)

  40. I save money buy using coupons(lots of coupons), shopping resale and swap sites, and making my own laundry detergent and other cleaning products!

  41. In addition to cloth nappies I save money by breastfeeding, using soap nuts and cloth wipes, buying used baby clothes sometimes and also selling or giving my baby's old clothes/equipment to other people, washing full loads, only shopping once per week, switching off lights etc.

  42. I use the weekly sales ads, I make things work that are broken, my husband is awesome at fixing things, so we get a lot of free stuff that way. I also breastfeed my beautiful little babies.

  43. I save money by meal planning, coupon clipping, buying used and breastfeeding my big baby boy.

  44. I save money by buying my littles clothes in the next few sizes up at yard sales, consignment sales (especially during the 50% off time at the end of the sale), and thrift stores (especially during their end-of-season clearance event). It's so satisfying to get 10 pieces of clothing for the price of one new thing in a regular store!

  45. I save money by breastfeeding, doing baby-led weaning which means that my baby is just eating what the rest of us eat and using cloth reuasable baby wipes.

  46. I save money by using coupons, buying in bulk and buying used if I can.

  47. I save money by using coupons and staying out of stores. The less time I spend in stores the more money I save:)

  48. I save money by using coupons, buying clearance, sale and used clothes, breastfeeding and making my own baby food, though my son is mostly eating what we are eating now.

  49. I save money by clipping coupons, using the clothes line, cloth wipes and breastfeeding.

  50. In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by shopping for baby toys, shoes, and cloths at our local consignment store. They often have almost new products at super low prices!

  51. In addition to cloth diapering I also made my own cloth wipes.

  52. I save money by using cloth wipes and cloth paper towels!

  53. I save money by clipping tons of coupons and never going to the mall without them!

  54. I do so many things to save. I use cloth wipes, I coupon and shop clearance as well as thrift stores. I only go to stores when we need something and leave as soon as I get that item (no impulse buys that way). I breast feed, because it is better for him but also saves tons of money. I am a big baby wearer, because it is my parenting style, but buying a sling is much cheaper than a baby swing, bouncy seat, etc.

  55. I save money by using cloth wipes made out of rags, not buying name brand, only buying what we NEED, using vinegar+water for almost all of our cleaning, trying to make sure we turn off all lights/appliances when we are finished with them, and using a budget!

  56. I save money by accepting hand-me-downs, shopping at baby consignment stores, and buying only what my baby needs, despite all the cute stuff out there.

  57. We use cloth wipes to save LOTS of money too

  58. Other than CDing (mostly SP btw..)
    DIY babyfood
    DIY cleaning supplies
    DIY baby wipes & solution (from the TONS of reviving blankets we got!)
    Cloth "paper" towels
    Dehydrating (can save sooo much money)
    And coupling!

  59. I save money by not buying new clothes or baby gear that everyone insists is necessary.

  60. Couponing.... Stupid auto correct..

  61. I save money by cleaning my house with baking soda, vinegar and elbow grease. It's also easier than having to keep track of different cleansers.

  62. I save money buy accepting hand-me-downs, saving clothing from our older children and buying only what the kids NEED (with the occasional want, for birthdays and such). I started using cloth menstrual items for myself. We stopped using paper towels and paper napkins and now only use cloth napkins and hand towels. We bought inexpensive plastic plates and flatware and use those instead of paper plates and disposable flatware when we have large groups of people coming over.

  63. I save money by doing a lot of online shopping...I know exactly what I'm looking for and search for the cheapest price. I also NEVER pay shipping. I will wait a week or even two until I can find a free shipping promo! I also shop at the Commissary as much as possible because sales tax is 9.5% here!!!

  64. I save money by buying used as much as possible. I also buy LOTS of generic brand things (including formula).

  65. I save money by making my own baby food.

  66. I save money by using cloth napkins/towels and real plates and silverware.

  67. we only have one car, and don't have cable or much super fancy technology. even our Christmas gifts are often thrifted. and we use the LIBRARY!

  68. I save money by not buying anything unless it is absolutly nessesary, even then I let it on the list for a week and it will often get knocked off. I hang dry my clothes, keep my heat at 68*, and save the cold water that comes before the hot in the shower and put it in my washer!

  69. We save money by using cloth napkins (which helps us teach our daughter manners too!) and by getting books from the library! We also buy most of our kids' clothes from consignment stores and use hand-me-downs (girl #2 is exactly 2 years younger than girl #1 so the seasons are even right for reusing clothes!).

  70. by making and using our own napkin and paper towel substitutes out of fabric scraps and old towels!

  71. I save money by freezing leftovers. I've never been a fan of having the same thing twice in a week. Freezing leftovers allows us to have them a week or two later.

  72. We line dry everything!

  73. clipping coupons and shopping sales! We also try to keep some meals in the freezer so that we don't have so many of those, "What do we eat tonight?" days.

  74. i save $$ by using coupons for groceries, buying many things used, & loth diapering.

  75. I volunteer at a local grocery store twice a month so we get many food items that way. We walk to the library often and I always shop clearance or second hand. I always make sure to give whenever I can because with an open hand we can receive more too.

  76. I buy all my son's baby clothes second hand! And use cloth napkins etc for cleaning rather than paper towels.

  77. I save money by recycling baby clothes through friends and family. We also clip coupons and only buy items when they are on sale. On a funny note, I have a 90 year old grandmother and we compare store receipts to see who saves the most. We use cloth wipes to go along with our dipes. We accept any and all 'baby stuff' people offer us, if we can't use it, we pass it on to someone who can.

  78. using cloth wipes, un-paper towels, and re-usable bags =)
    we also shut off lights when we leave a room

  79. Using baking soda and vinegar for cleaning, and even when washing my cloth diapers. I use vinegar in the rinse cycle, and sprinkle baking soda over the diapers when they're in the pail.

  80. I hang dry nearly everything , we try not to use our save to save on electricity. we also use cloth towels instead of paper towels, and we'll be going to cloth wipes for the baby soon!

  81. In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by using cloth wipes and reusable sandwich bags!

  82. To save money we use cloth wipes (not only on baby but everyone uses them instead of toilet paper).. We also use cloth napkins, and towels instead of paper ones...

  83. I save money by making a menu plan & shopping list & using coupons!

  84. i save money by getting as many hand-me-downs as possible! If you volunteer to sort through things for people or clean out their basements you can usually get good stuff that would have otherwise been 'dumped' because people don't have time to sort. If I don't end up wanting or using something I take it to the salvation army.

  85. I clip coupons like a crazy woman and seek out sales at neighboring stores. I'm also not afraid to ask if the store will price match as many big chains do.

  86. We live in a very small, rural town. My husband's job is 1.5mi away. I take him breakfast every morning instead of him buying it on his morning break. It saves us $100+ a month.

    I don't buy paper towels, and use cloth wipes most of the time. We use vinegar to clean with instead of expensive chemical cleaners. Vinegar is crazy cheap.

  87. We save money by shopping consignment sales, only using cloth wipes in addition to our cloth diapers, and eating out infrequently. I also only buy food on sale if possible! We only use reusable shopping bags also :)

  88. I save money by using cloth wipes and using coupons whenever possible

  89. We save money by sharing babysitting with friends. We take turns watching each other's children if we have errands to run or need a night out.

  90. we save money by using coupons and shopping sales for groceries and other necessities, and buying thrift/garage sale for any kids clothes that we need and didn't get in the hand-me-downs. i also share maternity clothes with friends!

  91. Consignment sales and making my own baby food. Ohhh and vinegar is an amazing cleaner and environmentally friendly too!

  92. In addition to using cloth diapers I save money by breast feeding and hand me downs, from friends(and giving them back to other friends who need them.

  93. Using hand me downs, taking good care of clothes so I don't have to re-buy, using coupons, shopping sales!

  94. I save money by having dial-up internet, rabbit ears TV, cloth diapering and breastfeeding my baby girl and shopping at thrift stores and consignment stores.

  95. We readily accept hand-me-downs, shop resale and consignment, eat most meals at home/ send lunch with husband to work, share childcare, make my own lattes often, cut my own hair, use cloth in most places where disposable could be used......, we also keep our heat lowered, wash full loads of laundry and dishes..... and the mother in law pays for the fun stuff???

  96. ...by making all my own baby food. That little jar of baby food costs $1.00... did you know you can get like 5 pounds of carrots for that!?! You know how many jars that would fill? It is super easy, way cheap, and more healthy to be eating freshly steamed (or freshly steamed, frozen, then reheated) food. It kills me every time I see a young mom spending their hard earned money on those Gerber jars.

  97. We save money by turning the heat down, buying household items and food in bulk and shop sales for the things we need.

  98. I save money buy using unpaper towels and napkins, mama cloth, cloth wipes, line drying, thrift store shopping clipping coupons and sooooo much more!

  99. Not buying disposable diapers, wipes, paper towels, formula, baby food, and disposable feminine hygiene products. We also shop sales, do most of our own home renovations and maintenance, buy secondhand where possible and enjoy the simpler things in life, like each others company rather than expensive restaurants, concerts and clubs.

  100. going to garage sales, passing down clothes and rarely eating out!

  101. We make our own baby food and taking advantage of shopping programs that many grocery stores & pharmacies have.
