Frugal Moms use Cloth Diapers to Save Money
I found this article today
I really felt this was a good accurate article and presented modern cloth diapers in a positive light.
I definitely understand the mom who says cloth seems “ick” and it makes me smile to know our new design would really benefit her! No mom I know wants to deal with poop, they just do because they have to. Reducing that as much as possible makes our innovative new design something that will really benefit these moms.
I giggled at the mom who said she washed her child’s poopy clothes separately! I don’t wash poopy diapers together with my other clothes. I have a specific system set up and enough diapers to wash every few days and have the diaper load go in a load by itself. Most cloth moms do it that way. I also laughed because in cloth we have poopy diapers, in disposables she’s washing poopy clothes I guess that tosses the theory of cloth being wasteful of water out the window. This mom quoted in the article actually washes her sons clothes that have poop on them as the result of leaky disposables separately meaning she tosses the diaper into a landfill AND THEN proceeds to use the same amount of water I use to wash my diapers to wash her sons poopy clothes! So we use the same amount of water and energy but one of us creates no no additional waste in the process-just saying!
I really love that our innovative new diaper will solve a few of the problems some mothers present as reasons they might not choose cloth diapers. I also love that cloth is finally being presented in the media as a viable money saving option and that they are presenting modern designs and not plastic pants and pins. Overall I enjoyed the article, what did you think?
Good Article!
ReplyDeleteI talked about laundry & cloth diapering the other day on my blog. I totally agree with you on the using the same amount of water & energy thing.....My daughter almost never has poopy clothes since we switched to cloth diapers.
I will not debate with your conclusions because I think you're exact on the money! You have put together a valid case for your sentiments and now I know more about this unusual topic. Thanks for this excellent post and i will come back for more.