diapers for babies are re-gaining their importance amongst mothers.
There are many different patterns, types, fittings, and colors available in the
market, of which cloth diapers of one-size fits all type have proved to be a
boon for parents economically because they are the only ones you need from your
newborn till his potty training.
Few things which are essential
that parents must have during the diaper changing process are baby wipes,
diaper changing pads, cloth towels, baby powder, rash ointment, cotton balls, and
diaper pail for cloth diapers, baby diaper cover, and a fresh pair of clothes.
Given below are few points which new
moms can consider while changing washable diapers for their babies.
- By a simple touch or feel of the baby’s diaper, one can make out whether the one size cloth diapers are wet or not. Heavy diaper is a sign of poop and so a quick changing is needed immediately.
- It is advisable to fix one place at your home for diaper changing such as a changing station or table. This way you can keep all the items you require during the diaper changing process at hands.
- Once you have put your baby on the changing table do not leave him unattended. Place your baby on his/her back on the changing table and always keep a hand on your baby.
- You must unfasten the diaper pins or clips of the soiled diaper. If you are using cloth diapers of one-size fits all types then remove them just as you remove pants.
- Gently hold your baby’s feet, then lift baby’s bottom and remove the used diaper and clean the bum thoroughly but gently.
- Wipe your baby’s bum and be sure to clean all cracks, cervices and folds. Be sure to place the soiled diapers and used wipes/ cotton/ towels far from baby’s reach to avoid infections.
- Take care of the cleanliness of your baby and the surrounding environment at time of changing the dirty diaper.
- Now place a fresh cloth diaper and gently lower your baby’s bottom on it. Make sure you have applied any rash ointment if required.
- Than fit the cloth diaper properly. To avoid any leakages you can use one size diaper covers which are to be worn above the diapers.
- Leave your baby in the cot or at any other safe place and then return to the diaper changing station to clean it up. Use a diaper pail for cloth diapers to stash away used diapers. Garbage the used wipes or flush them (only if they are flushable).