Thursday, September 1, 2016

Angelina: Why She Started Cloth Diapering

Before I started having children one of my dear friends started using cloth diapers. I was very intrigued because they were nothing like I was picturing; (a piece of cloth with two pins on each side). No, these "modern" cloth diapers had the cutest prints and seemed so easy to use with snaps and Velcro. I asked her a million and one questions and decided I'd cloth diaper my future children.

Fast forward 7 years later and I'm due with my first child! I talked to my husband about wanting to cloth diaper and he thankfully was immediately on board! Being budget conscious,  I will admit I was nervous to tell him the initial cost of cloth diapers, but we made a plan to buy a little at a time throughout the pregnancy. I also took this time to enter a bunch of giveaways through blogs and Facebook in hopes to win even a couple to help with the cost. 

18 months later and we love cloth diapering! My husband knows how to wash and care for the diapers just as much as I do and he finds it easy! Whenever we go out of town and don't have washer/dryer accessibility we'll buy a pack of disposables. I'll never forget the first time we used disposables, my husband said, "I hate these things!" LOL 

Now that my son is a toddler, he's a heavy wetter at night. We use plastic pants at night and doubled up on liners to help absorb him and not wake up wet. I have a large variety of brands and over time I've learned certain diapers hold better than others, or fit differently with certain clothes which helps at night. We have figured out which diaper for which occasion and love them all for different things! 

Written by Angelina, a budget mom!