Thursday, December 15, 2016

Angelina's Stash: Show and Tell

Even before getting pregnant with my first child I knew I wanted to cloth diaper. My best friend was an avid cloth diaperer and I fell in love with the cuteness, savings, and environmental factor. 

 The moment I found out I was pregnant, I started asking her questions about cloth diapers. She was so helpful and invited me over to go through all her diapers and explain the differences to me. She was done with cloth and gave me a bag full! I bought diapers here and there from friends and companies which slowly built my stash during my pregnancy. 

Now that my son turns 2 this month I have gained quite a few cloth diapers. I've learned my likes and dislikes with them. I'm more of a solid gal. I have some cute prints but I never got into the crazy print haze. Snaps are my go to! I think they're more durable and long lasting. Also my son learned very quickly how easy it was to undo velco diapers! Yikes!

Some brands fit my son better than others. He's always had chunky thighs and is a heavy wetter. Smarti pants has been my favorite brand! I have the most diapers in this brand. They hug my baby's thighs just right, the liners are the perfect absorbance when doubled up at night, and I also love the that there isn't too many snaps to confuse grandma when she baby sits lol. 

I have some used diapers that have blown out elastic from repeated use, or others that just leak and can't do their job, so I'm thrilled that I can build up a stash for baby #2 due in February with my favorite brands I know will do the job right! 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

How many Diapers per Child?

When people get in to cloth diapering, the most asked question seems to be "how many diapers do I need to cloth diaper full time?" Smarti Pants and most people recommend having 24 diaper on hand per child to last them from birth to potty training. While at first you'll be washing frequently due to a newborn's routine, toddlers can go longer and there's more space in-between changes. 

When I was researching cloth diapering information online, I found this chart and thought it was pretty realistic. Since newborns each on average every 2-3 hour, that also means a diaper change or two every 2-3 hours. You of course want some diapers on hand while all the soiled ones are in the wash, so this is where 24 diapers in total would be an accurate number in my opinion. 

I personally don't go more then three days in-between washes due to smell and other factors, but if you're cloth diapering your first child and hope to have more in the future, building up a big stash now while rotating them equally would be a great option. 

Because I'm expecting our second child in February, I am slowly adding in some new diapers with my favorite brand, Smarti Pants, and taking out the not so great used diapers I've gathered from friends. While our son is part time potty trained, I would like to get to around 40 diapers which could put me still washing every 1-2 days but yet having good quality diapers to prevent messes along the way being the key to success for cloth diapering two! 

Angelina, mom of two boys, 2 and due in February. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

SmartiPants: Now on Amazon!

We've had our website for years and since you all have showed us just how much you love Smartipants diapers, we're excited to announce we're now on Amazon!!! Now you can simply search "Smartipants" and we will pop up right for your shopping needs!  

Available for purchase through Amazon, we have smart liners, one pack diapers, and then three pack diapers along with our totes and pails. I love that the three packs have a handy option of "boy" or "girl" colors to make shopping quick and easy! There of course is all our thirteen colors listed in the one diaper section and of course, shopping through Amazon gives you FREE SHIPPING! 

We hope you all stop by and shop through Amazon and that the process is a breeze like we know it should be! We look forward to shipping out those Amazon orders!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

What's a Wet Bag?

Wet bags I find are an essential piece to cloth diapering, however, when you're first starting out there can be a lot of information to take in. There's a variety of bags you can use with your diapers (or just a grocery sack if you're going super cheap) and today I'll help you decide which one is best for you and your family! 
These waterproof bags make toting dirty diapers easier than ever. Store dirty diapers between laundering at home in our waterproof stink-free "Smart Pail". These are best for in the home where you can hang them in one spot until it's time to do the diaper laundry. Best of all, after dumping all diapers in to the washer, the pail goes right in with it! These pails have features like being waterproof and leak free, zippered opening for stink-free storage in-between uses, and a snap handle to allow for hanging anywhere! They're 24 inches tall by 15 inches wide and come in three color shades.
Like the Smart Pail above, these "Smart Tote" bags offer the same ease as I mentioned above, but they're a little smaller and more ideal for on the go use! These are 14 inches tall by by 13 inches wide and fit nicely in a diaper bag or even your purse when you're out and about. Some people like to carry two bags, one for clean diapers and one for dirty diapers, because they're nice and organized and kept together. If you know you'll be out of the house for several hours or going to family's, these bags are nice to keep the smell hidden while being able to have comfort in using cloth diapers outside of the home. If you have a small diaper stash you can use these in the home as well because they also offer a snap handle to hang from door knobs or what have you. 

If you're new to cloth diapering or you're trying to build up a good stash of diapers, make sure you hop on over to our website for our 24 & 36 pack of  One Size diapers. Not only do these come with a very nice bulk savings, but you also get a Tote with it! 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Angelina: Why She Started Cloth Diapering

Before I started having children one of my dear friends started using cloth diapers. I was very intrigued because they were nothing like I was picturing; (a piece of cloth with two pins on each side). No, these "modern" cloth diapers had the cutest prints and seemed so easy to use with snaps and Velcro. I asked her a million and one questions and decided I'd cloth diaper my future children.

Fast forward 7 years later and I'm due with my first child! I talked to my husband about wanting to cloth diaper and he thankfully was immediately on board! Being budget conscious,  I will admit I was nervous to tell him the initial cost of cloth diapers, but we made a plan to buy a little at a time throughout the pregnancy. I also took this time to enter a bunch of giveaways through blogs and Facebook in hopes to win even a couple to help with the cost. 

18 months later and we love cloth diapering! My husband knows how to wash and care for the diapers just as much as I do and he finds it easy! Whenever we go out of town and don't have washer/dryer accessibility we'll buy a pack of disposables. I'll never forget the first time we used disposables, my husband said, "I hate these things!" LOL 

Now that my son is a toddler, he's a heavy wetter at night. We use plastic pants at night and doubled up on liners to help absorb him and not wake up wet. I have a large variety of brands and over time I've learned certain diapers hold better than others, or fit differently with certain clothes which helps at night. We have figured out which diaper for which occasion and love them all for different things! 

Written by Angelina, a budget mom! 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Shower Gifts for the Cloth Mama!

Let's talk shower gifts!

Perhaps one of the most common shower gifts that we all receive in abundance is diapers! It makes's something that all babies need and go through in abundance, so it's always a safe bet!

But what if you're cloth diapering? Or attending a shower for someone who is? What gifts are appropriate for the cloth diapering mama or mama to be? Today I'm sharing a few ideas:

Cloth Diapers. 
Of course, the most obvious gift is cloth diapers! I can assure you that any cloth diapering mama would love to receive cloth diapers as a shower gift- as more often than not we actually hear discouragement about the decision to use cloth. Not sure where to start? Ask the mom to be if she has any preferences, or buy a few different types if your budget allows. Not all diaper work the same for all babies, so it is nice to give mom a variety to try out.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Cloth Part Time? Of Course!!

"I know cloth diapering can save a ton of money, BUT I can't do it. Our daycare won't allow it. We travel too much. It just won't work for us."

Does this sound like you? Or perhaps someone you know? It's a complaint that I have heard far too often. People love the idea of cloth diapers, but just cannot see how cloth diapering full time can fit into their schedule or their lifestyle. And for those who depend on others to provide childcare during anytime during their child's day, this is a very real concern.

But who says it has to be all or nothing?

Why can't cloth diapering be only part time? Why can't you do both? Today I'm sharing how cloth diapering part time can STILL be beneficial.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pros & Cons of the Varieties of Cloth Diapers

When you begin looking into cloth, one of the first things you're likely to discover is that there are a LOT of options available. Pockets, all in ones, all in twos...what do they all mean and which is best? Today, I will share what each type is and the pros and cons of each.

Pocket Diapers

Pockets are perhaps one of the more common types of cloth diapers and for good reason. Pocket diapers feature an opening in the diaper in which you 'stuff' your absorbent material. Inserts can be made from microfiber, hemp, bamboo or a combination, though microfiber is most common.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Smarti Pants Newborn Diapers

I'm here today to focus on the other side of Smarti Pants, with their "Little Smarti" diapers. These are newborn cloth diapers that fit from 5-12 lbs, have elastic at the legs and back to contain messes, and is a complete all-in-one with an enclosed microfiber pad offering great absorbency.
Most One Size diapers start at 7lbs and I know that one size may not fit right away for people that have smaller or petite children. 

HOWEVER, these newborn diapers retail for $3 MORE than the One Size diaper Smarti Pants also sells. If you're willing to buy, you can always save for future children or sell after baby outgrows for part of your money back. 

I will add that Smarti Pants offers bundle packages so you can buy one diaper for $17.95 or a three pack for $49.95. They come in pink, blue, or white.

Courtesy of Michelle @ Mama's Baby Cupcakes

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Cloth Diapering And Hospitals

While reviewing the Kelly Wels book, I came upon a subject I had never thought about... cloth diapering while in the hospital. I just assumed that it's your baby so you can have them wear whatever you want. I mean, they let you bring in your own clothes as well as your own baby clothes and blankets, so why not cloth diapers?

According to "Changing Diapers: The Hip Mom's Guide to Cloth Diapering" it is necessary to check with your hospital to make sure cloth diapering is even allowed. If they're not allowed, you can always advocate and see if they change their mind.

  • Take in samples of cloth diapers, especially AIO (All In Ones) or pockets to your childbirth class and let them see just how simple a cloth diaper can be.
  • Let them know you and your family are willing to change ALL DIAPERS!
  • Possibly ask a local retailer to help you contact your hospital, and they could even get business out of it, like a cloth diapering class at the hospital. (That would be AMAZING!)
  • Contact the Real Diaper Association for helpful tips as well. They also offer advocacy pamphlets on their website that you can print out and take with you. You can visit the advocacy group on their blog, Cloth Diapers In Hospitals, and they even have a Facebook page.

Did you cloth diaper in the hospital?
Did anyone try to tell you it wasn't allowed?

Michelle @ Mama's Baby Cupcakes blog

Monday, January 11, 2016

You Know You're a Cloth Diaper Mom When....

Perhaps the title of this post should be 'You Know You're A Cloth Diapering ADDICT When...' because let's be honest, it's hard to be a cloth diapering mom without also becoming an addict. Sure, we mostly all start with great intentions- save money, save the planet- but for many of us, that love cannot help but grow. Trust me, I get it! So, today I'm sharing this fun list of ways that you truly know you've got the cloth diaper fever!

  • You get more excited over a new print/color than you do a new pair of shoes. And believe me, I love me some shoes too!
  • You actually look forward to diaper laundry! The rest of the laundry on the other hand can wait!
  • Seeing another baby out and about in cloth is like seeing a celebrity. Brad who?
  • The word 'unicorn' has taken on a whole new meaning.
  • You choose shirts and dresses based on how well it will match your favorite diapers. And in the summer, pants are completely optional.
  • You've excitedly shared your fluff mail photos via social media.And don't forget your stash shots! (And you love seeing other peoples too!)
  • You've learned a whole new language- AIO, AI2, FST... you know what these mean without a second thought.
  • You dread the day your baby potty trains! What will you do with all those diapers!?
  • You want to have a new baby so you can continue using cloth...and buy newborn cloth too! (Too extreme?)
  • You get super excited every time you discover a new cloth diaper giveaway. Never mind that you don't NEED anymore diapers!
  • You have enough diapers to diaper 3 kids... and you just have one!
  • You have a sticker on your vehicle celebrating cloth diapering. (No, really, I have this!!)
  • You said, 'Just one more diaper'...5 diapers ago! Too many diapers? Never!
  • You cannot wait until the next Great Cloth Diaper Change.
  • You've read through this list and saw yourself on more than a few!

Are you a cloth diaper addict? How would YOU finish the sentence, "You know you're a cloth diapering mama when..."